Supplier Selection
Importers of consumer goods have always focused supplier selection on many attributes, but often too heavily on price alone. However, as consumers and industry have put a stronger emphasis on quality; evaluating, selecting and partnering the right supplier today has become much more critical and complex. Selecting the right supplier can help drive customer demand and build a strong brand reputation of quality products. Below are some steps to consider in an effective supplier selection process.
Identify a Supplier:
Before selecting your supplier, it is important to gather the opinions of your stakeholders and define the criteria for the selection process.
This will identify the critical attributes of the order: cost, time, speed, as well as finished product quality & safety. You should also consider which country would best meet the criteria and then benchmark a few suppliers to assess their capabilities and compare pricing.
The ultimate goal is a win-win situation for the supplier and yourself; as such, open and transparent communication is critical
Key to success is value, cost alone is not the only criterion. In the supply chain industry this is often referred to as total cost of ownership, which looks at the supplier’s:
- Customer service
- Delivery commitments
- Reliability and responsiveness
- Resource savings (hard and soft)
Thanks to TrustSource Insights, you can identify risk ratings of different countries performance for your desired product with our risk radar that assesses millions of data points providing you with the necessary knowledge to make an informed selection.
Measure Supply Performance:
A critical step of the supplier management process is developing an audit and assessment program.
Gain Supplier Feedback:
Another tool that is often used is a self-assessment questionnaire
Develop Partnerships:
Ultimately, the supplier relationship is at its best when a strategic partnership is formed.
Guidance Points
Selecting the right supplier can help you meet the consumer demand for higher-quality products. When selecting the right
supplier, you should remember to:
Include all key internal and external stakeholders in the process to agree on important criteria that the supplier should meet.
Assess performance through useful metrics and provide the necessary feedback to the supplier. </span>
Require strong communication between yourself and the supplier, poor communication almost guarantees a failed relationship.
Motivate your suppliers to develop strategic partnerships to ensure the greatest opportunity for success for both parties.
Perform audits for the selected supplier, and work with them to address any deficiencies. If the deficiencies are too great, move on to another supplier. Implement adequate monitoring to drive improvement in supplier performance.
Invest sufficient time, effort and energy early in the relationship to set up for success.