What is WRAP?
WRAP (The Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) is an international certification program that ensures workers have safe, humane, lawful, and ethical working conditions. Through education and collaboration, WRAP promotes transparent, sustainable, and responsible manufacturing and sourcing practices. It is the world's largest independent certification program focused on the apparel, footwear, and sewn products sectors. WRAP sets them apart from similar social compliance programs because they focus on the ground level of a supply chain. A facility with a WRAP certificate displays a commitment to ethical manufacturing and a focus on its workforce's wellbeing.Â
WRAP certifications can only be granted to individual production units. Holding companies, brands, and retailers are not eligible to apply.Â
Over 700 buyers, brands, and retailers worldwide accept WRAP certifications. WRAP is the most accepted independent certification in the sewn products industry.
As an accredited auditor company for WRAP, Bureau Veritas can provide extensive knowledge and experience to help you meet the certification requirements.
Scope of WRAP audit
The WRAP covers 12 principles that are generally accepted standards that address environmental and social compliance. They included:
- Compliance with laws and workplace regulations
- Prohibition of forced labor
- Prohibition of child labor
- Prohibition of harassment or abuse
- Compensation and benefits
- Hours of work
- Prohibition of discrimination
- Health and safety
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining
- Environment  Â
- Customs compliance
- Security
WRAP target sectors and audit requirementsÂ
WRAP’s apparel auditing process can be applied to serve other high-labor industry sectors outside of apparel. This includes footwear, sewn leather, and travel goods. Potential other industries are home goods, accessories, medical supplies, wearable technology, and upholstery.
WRAP audit process
- Submit the Application to WRAP
- Complete Pre-Audit Self-Assessment by facilities
- Monitoring by BV against the 12 principles.
- Monitoring Report evaluated by WRAP
- WRAP decides if facilities can be certified.
WRAP rating standard and validity frequency
The frequency of audits depends on the certification level.Â
There are three levels of WRAP certification – Platinum, Gold, and Silver.Â
The certificate issued to a facility is determined by WRAP and depends on the extent to which the audit indicates full compliance and management commitment to the WRAP Principles.
Silver facilities are inspected at least every six months, Gold facilities are inspected at least every year, and Platinum facilities are inspected at least once every two years. All certified facilities are subject to random, unannounced Post-Certification Assessments during their certification period.
What are the benefits of having a WRAP certification?
Having a WRAP certification is a valuable asset for any business, as it shows the buyer that you are dedicated to ethical and responsible standards. Your company obeys the laws of your country, treats your workers with respect, and is mindful of the impact your operation has on the environment. The WRAP certificate proves that you are dedicated to upholding social and ethical norms.
Now, you can book your WRAP audit with ease on InSpec by BV
InSpec bv BV is your one-stop online platform for social audits, inspections, and factory assessments. You can schedule and book a WRAP audit in just a few clicks. Our team will be in touch with you after your booking. In general, the booking lead time is just five working days, and you will be able to get the audit report five working days after the audit is conducted. All the audits will be handled by our experienced auditor.
Why Bureau Veritas For Your Ethical Audit
Why Bureau Veritas?
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in laboratory testing, inspection and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group has more than 80,000 employees located in more than 1,600 offices and laboratories around the globe.
As one of the world's leading third-party inspection companies, our inspection team all undergo rigorous technical qualification and integrity training before performing any type of inspection. We offer standard and tailor-made quality control inspection for a wide array of softline and hardline products.
Bureau Veritas helps its clients improve their performance by offering services and innovative solutions in order to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Global footprint and local expertise
Bureau Veritas carries out over 400,000 inspections and audits every year. We have over 1200 fully qualified inspectors across 85 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
Product expertise
Your product quality inspection is conducted with BV’s inspection protocols which are based on our standard practices and decades of experience from assessing millions of factories and products. All our protocols are optimized to meet today’s requirements.
Ethic & independent quality control
As the world leader in testing, inspection and certification services, we put ethics and integrity at the very top of our priority list. Our Code of Ethics ensures our staff members maintain integrity, professional competence, confidentiality, professional behavior, and high ethical standards in their day-to-day business activities.