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Quality is a critical area of concern throughout the supply chain. Whether you are a importer/exporter, a brand/retailer, a dot com, an entrepreneur or factory – maintaining good quality controls is critical to sustained growth and customer satisfaction.

Importer / Exporter

If you are working as an intermediary or trading company, it is critical you have confidence in both your buyers and suppliers. If you are unable to fill purchase orders or deliver poor quality products, you quickly lose credibility with your buyers.
Successful trading companies focus on finding suppliers that are willing to earn representation by completing an export readiness checklist to their satisfaction; in this way, they become more of a partner than a supplier. It is important to assess production and capacity, logistics, finance, international experience, and overall business strategy. If suppliers find value in the service you offer, they should be competing for your business, rather than vice versa.

Many of today’s trading companies, importers, exporters and agents deal with multiple manufacturing sites, often including their own facilities. Keeping abreast of supply chain performance across this diverse portfolio of suppliers means keeping on top of trends in performance and quality. We can support you in understanding the performance of your supply chain. With global inspectors and auditors in every major manufacturing hub worldwide, we can provide inspection and audit services wherever the product you source is being manufactured. With our Business Intelligence service supported by our Insight Center, you can also identify the top performing suppliers, products and countries, delivering real time QA/QC and sourcing decision support.

In Summary

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Successful trading companies focus on finding suppliers that are willing to earn representation by completing an export readiness checklist to their satisfaction; in this way, they become more of a partner than a supplier.
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It is important to assess production and capacity, logistics, finance, international experience, and overall business strategy. If suppliers find value in the service you offer, they should be competing for your business, rather than vice versa.
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Many of today’s trading companies, importers, exporters and agents deal with multiple manufacturing sites, often including their own facilities. Keeping abreast of supply chain performance across this diverse portfolio of suppliers means keeping on top of trends in performance and quality.
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