Bureau Veritas’ Silicon Valley Laboratory offers Wireless Power Charging (Qi) Certification Testing

30 Jul 2019 BV NEWS

Bureau Veritas’ Silicon Valley Laboratory offers Wireless Power Charging (Qi) Certification Testing

June 21, 2019 – Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services is pleased to announce its electronics, automotive and wireless testing laboratory located in Silicon Valley, California, USA has expanded its scope to cover wireless power charging certification testing services.

By Bureau Veritas Marketing 1 minute read

The Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), an open, collaborative standards development group of more than 600 member companies provides certification for a variety of wireless power applications. Qi, developed by the WPC, is an open interface standard that defines wireless power transfer using inductive charging via resonant inductive coupling. (e.g. a charging pad and a compatible device which is placed on top of the pad). These products can now be tested at Bureau Veritas’ laboratories in Korea and Silicon Valley, USA.

Bureau Veritas has offered wireless power charging certification testing from its South Korea laboratory since the inception of the WPC certification testing scheme and has now expanded the service offering to a 2nd location in the United States. This lab is also one of two labs able to test to the WPC standards in the United States.

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